Prevention & Education

Millage-funded prevention and education programs aim to to destigmatize mental illness, encourage help-seeking behavior, and give community members the skills needed to respond to mental health incidences.

How is the millage addressing…

...mental health stigma?

The millage funds programs that address mental health stigma among youth to foster a supportive environment where they feel comfortable seeking help and expressing their emotions. This empowerment encourages early intervention, leading to improved emotional well-being and resilience in young individuals.



National Alliance on Mental Illness

NAMI-Washtenaw County staff use millage funds to reduce mental health stigma, host support groups, and provide resources. NAMI also developed and distributed an exceptional mental health resource guide, "Taking Care."

25+ mental health events reaching 800+ individuals.


Health Department's #WishYouKnew

The health department's millage-funded #WishYouKnew campaign features community voices that share messages of hope. It aims to reduce stigma and spark honest conversations about mental health between youth and adults.

12 community events reaching 1,000+ individuals.  


Washtenaw school district mini grants

This millage-funded initiative supports student-led mental health programming at public middle and high schools. Campaigns foster communication about mental health between students and the trusted adults in their lives.

16 programs addressing mental health stigma.

How is the millage preventing…

…unnecessary emergency department admissions?

The team at Washtenaw County Community Mental Health works to address and resolve mental health crises with community-based support whenever possible. This reduces unnecessary disruptions to people’s lives.



Washtenaw County Community Mental Health mobile crisis team

When an individual in crisis calls 734-544-3050, the millage-supported crisis team is able to meet them where they’re at thanks to expanded face-to-face services, a service that would not be possible without millage dollars. An evaluation of the mobile crisis team demonstrated that  75%* of crisis team contacts were resolved informally or taken to community treatment, rather than the emergency department.

2,628 face-to-face crisis contacts.


Washtenaw County Community Mental Health 24/7 call line

Washtenaw County Community Mental Health's 24/7 call line provides residents with an alternative to 911 for mental health concerns. Anyone can call 734-544-3050 to access support. The team can help with hospital screenings and admissions, but they are able to resolve most cases without having to admit individuals to the hospital.

8,500 calls are answered each month, on average.

*These results come from a random sample of WCCMH crisis cases.

How is the millage addressing…


Misconceptions about mental illness abound. Some equate mental illness with violence. Others believe mental illness is a result of personal weakness. Still others assume that individuals can easily "snap out of it" without professional support. Millage-funded programs aim to debunk these misconceptions and give the community the tools it needs to address mental illness with compassion and care.



Mental Health First Aid certification

This training program is a nationally-recognized certification course to teach the skills needed to respond to mental illness and substance use concerns. The millage sponsors free Mental Health First Aid courses.

More than 100 individuals received certification.  


Washtenaw school district parent webinars

The Washtenaw Intermediate School District organized monthly webinars to help parents identify signs of mental illness and substance use and provide support on topics such as LGBTQ mental health and teen dating violence.

More than 200 parents participated.


Voices of Youth journalism program

With millage funds, Concentrate facilitates a journalism program for Washtenaw County youth. Youth are given opportunities to write stories and social media posts, conduct research, take photos, and make podcasts.

19 youth participated in Voices of Youth workshops.

How is the millage addressing…

…Black mental health?

In the Black community, mental health concerns are often overlooked or stigmatized, leading to disparities in access to care and support. Millage funds are used to address these barriers to promote well-being and resilience within the Black community.



Washtenaw County Community Mental Health's Black Lives Matter task force

Washtenaw County Community Mental Health's Black Lives Matter task force hosts diversity, equity, and inclusion trainings for service and administrative staff. Additionally, the task force attends community events such as the Ypsi Jazz Fest to increase visibility about Washtenaw County Community Mental Health services.  

BLM task force members hosted 2 training events for WCCMH staff.


The Behavioral Health Collaborative for Young Black Men and Boys

This collaborative between Packard Health and the University of Michigan School of Social Work’s Young Black Men, Masculinities, and Mental Health (YBMen) Project has developed a coalition of community organizations committed to services that address the behavioral health needs of young Black men and boys.

Nearly 400 young Black men and boys supported by coalition organizations.

[The National Alliance on Mental Illness - Washtenaw County’s millage educational programs taught me about] biology and genetics information. It takes a little bit of the guilt off of you in terms of control. It doesn’t hit home until you look at the science.”

—   NAMI program participant

To access millage-funded services,
call 1-734-544-3050